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We have completed sixty years of our independence. we should remember this think that we attained liberty as a gift from anyone but it is the result of the countless sacrifices of our forefathers. We have stepped in 21st Century which is a centaury of knowledge & technology. In the present era only that nation will excel among the nations who is well versed in knowledge & technology. If we want to make progress we should try to inculcate the spirit of brotherhood, fraternity and tolerance among the Muslim Umma. Govt. S.E. College is such institution where the passions of love, respect and patriotism are imbibed among the students. We provide proper guidance to the younger generation towards making their future career.

It is the duty of the teaching faculty that they should also inform the younger generation about their past history and also give proper attention towards imparting the education, keeping in view our golden values and traditions.

Muhammad Shahid